
また雨かい・・・(It was raining again today.)

続くねー。10月って秋晴れのイメージなのに、今年のこの長雨はなんだろう。Recently, there are many rainy days. Although i have an image that there are many sunny days in October, I wonder why it have so much rain this year.

今日はずっと打ち合わせ(Today, I had a meeting for the whole day)

いやぁ大変だったなぁ、今日は。Well, today was hard work.

ムスメは振替休日(My daughter was on a substitute holiday)

親は普通の平日だけど、学童が朝からOKなので助かるね。Parents were ordinary weekdays, but after school care were doing today from the morning, so it would be helpful.